VMware Snapshot to Memory Dump: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to convert a VMware snapshot into a memory dump for forensic or malware analysis.
In this guide, we will explore how to convert a VMware snapshot into a memory dump. You might wonder why this conversion is necessary. One major reason is forensic or malware analysis. Some malware resides in memory and leaves no traces on disk. Malware analysts often use memory dumps to identify malicious code or processes present in memory at the time of the snapshot. Taking a VMware Snapshot In VMware ESXi/vSphere:
3 minutes
How To Assign A Static IP Address To A VMware Workstation VM
Learn how to assign a static IP address to your VMware Workstation VM easily, enhancing your virtualization experience across various OS.
I really enjoy working with virtualization both type 1 and 2, But came to a time that I need to assign a static IP Address to my virtual machines in any network connection mode, NAT, Bridged or Host-Only. Before I came across this, I tried setting up Mikrotic Router OS in other to achieve this options, and looking for other alternative ways, But didn’t know the option is already available.
2 minutes
Fix VMware Workstation Module Disk Power On Failed
Resolve VMware Workstation ‘Module Disk Power On Failed’ error by deleting corrupted .lck files and restarting your virtual machine.
My server shutdown unexpectedly, when I tried to start the VM, I started getting error like this: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. Cannot open the dis: disk directory.vmdk or one of the snapshots disks it depends on. Module ‘Disk’ power on failed. Failed to start the virtual machine. The file inside .lck directory got corrupted, Just right click on the Virtual Machine and Open VM Directory.
1 minute